Book List

A list of books is available at the school office or posted on our website.

Books Sets



Rules & Regulations

  • Learners are expected to follow all the rules and procedures stated by school administrators.
  • Students are not allowed to enter the school premises before and after school hours.
  • All learners must be present during school hours.
  • Students must come in full uniform, have the right hair and maintain good hygiene.
  • The school is proud to support its values. We expect our students to be refined and respected at all times and to respect dignity even under pressure.
  • Learners are expected to speak clearly and politely at all times. Any derogatory language used will result in severe disciplinary action. Students are also informed that English is the language of instruction.
  • Misconduct/profanity etc., will not be tolerated inside the school premises.
  • School property must be protected by every learner. If any child is found to be damaging school property, he or she will be charged a fine equal to the replacement fee.
  • If a learner continues to miss school for a minor reason and without the request for leave, he or she will be fined as set out below. Also, the reckless attitude of late to school will not be tolerated as all of this not only affects school behavior but also hinders a child’s development and personality.
  • The school will not respond by completing any repair work if the child is on vacation or absent especially without notice. During school hours, completion of the remaining work will not be assisted, during homework
  • Students are not allowed to bring jewellery, cellphones or any other expensive items to the school as they will be taken by the school official.
  • Any serious misconduct on the part of the parents or students will automatically mean dropping out of school.

Parent-Teacher Conference

Parents Teacher conferences are scheduled 4 times a year (May, October, December, and March) to give you the opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers and gain insight into your child’s progress. If you would like to meet with his/her teacher or supervisor, at any time, you can request a time with the school office. Teachers will send parents a timetable if they wish to see you about your child’s academic performance.

Health / Medicine

Please let your school know if your child has a health condition (for example: diabetes, epilepsy, severe allergies, etc.) or is taking certain medications. If something happens at school that requires medical attention, we will contact you immediately. Students are not allowed to bring any medicine to the school without the parent introducing it to the school. The medicine should be left at the regulator’s office.

Safety And Security

The school of enablers ensures safety and security through:

Safe & Secure Icon

Safe and secure campus

Trained campus Icon

A trained campus safety team

Arrival Departure Icon

Arrival and departure arrangements

Emergency Trials Icon

Emergency trials

Fee Policy

When you send your child to us, we understand that we take certain responsibilities that you have stopped trusting us to teach your child the highest standards possible. To fulfil this responsibility, we need to be able to ensure that all parents will fulfil their responsibilities at school, that is, in compliance with school rules, and to fulfil their financial obligations promptly, within the allotted time. We thank those parents who took their responsibilities as seriously as we did ours, leaving us free to focus more on educational matters. When parents fail to meet their obligations, an important time for discipline is taken away from your child’s education.

  • The school will send only two reminders about the due dates. If the money is not paid on time, you will force the school to take administrative action.
  • Parents should have good working relationships and support between school and home. If for any reason, the school receives parent behaviour, correspondence to the extent that it is unable to share healthy and respectful relationships with them, we have the right to ask them to withdraw their child/children.
  • School fees must be paid monthly.
  • The due date for payment is already stated on the challan form.
  • You are expected to pay school fees on time. However, in the event of a delay, you will have to pay an additional fee (Rs.50 per day).
  • If the payment delay exceeds the grace period of ten days beyond the due date provided in the bill, the school reserves the right to take the necessary administrative action. It is not the school’s responsibility to remind parents of their responsibility to the school.
  • If the child’s money is overdue and you are informed that your child is not allowed to go to school (in person or online) until such time as payment has been received, and you are deliberately sending the child, administrative action will be taken. It is not the school’s fault for putting the child in this situation, but the parents.
  • The school is entitled to an annual tuition fee increase in accordance with government regulations (from August).
  • You must give the school a one-month written notice before applying for your child’s Leaving School/Retirement Certificate. If you withdraw your child without giving one month’s written notice, you will not be entitled to a refund of that month or other refunds.
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